Software Developer

Hi, I'm Zayaan. I'm a fourth year computer science student at Carleton University looking for software engineer internships for Fall 2022.

I am a full-stack developer with experience in developing microservices, server-side applications, data warehousing applications, and React Web apps. I like to learn new skills, continue challenging myself, and work on interesting projects in my spare time. I’m a fast learner, able to pick up new skills and juggle different projects and roles with relative ease. Feel free to get in touch by any means of communication.

Bachelor Of Computer Science - Carleton University (B.C.S. Honours - May 2023)

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

  • Java
  • Python
  • C++
  • C
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
Front End/ UI
  • React
  • Gatsby
  • Angular
  • Nativescript
Back End
  • Node.js
  • Spring Boot
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • gRPC
  • Express
  • Git
  • Jira
  • AWS
  • RabbitMQ
  • Helm
  • Redis
  • Jenkins
  • Kafka
Machine Learning
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • Numpy
  • Jupyter
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • GraphQL
  • TypeORM



Card Game App


Java / Spring Boot / React / Javascript

DQN Space Invaders AI

Deep Learning RL Agent

DQN Space Invaders AI

Python / Keras / Tensorflow

LaneNet - Lane Detection

Instance Segmentation

LaneNet - Lane Detection

Python / OpenCV / Keras / Tensorflow

RTOS Scheduling

RTOS Scheduler Simulation

RTOS Scheduling


NLP text api / News Board

Python / React / Tensorflow / Flask / MongoDB / Docker

Chamber Crawler 3000

C++ Command-Line RPG

Chamber Crawler 3000



Web Scrapper/ Python Stocks App


Python / MySQL / Pandas / Matplotlib


Food Delivery Web app


Javascript / Express / Node / MongoDB

EDA - Weather AUS

Exploratory Data Analysis

EDA - Weather AUS

Python / scikit-learn / Jupyter


Trend Micro

Software Engineer Intern

May 2022 - August 2022

• Developing Cloud One Workload Security MQTT communications hub using AWS IoT Core, SQS, Lambda and Go

Go / AWS Iot / AWS Lambda / MQTT


Software Developer Intern

September 2021 - December 2021

• Developed a k-path computation Java prototype to compute latency and hops optimized paths with provided service specifications for source destination pairs • Implemented the service enablement workflow APIs with Spring boot for network slicing orchestration • Developed a web app POC in React to display computed paths, and network topology on a topoJSON map and create an UI for service enablement

Java / Spring Boot / React / JavaScript / Kafka

March Networks

Software Engineer Intern

May 2021 - August 2021

• Developed REST APIs for the VSAAS platform microservices with node.js, Typescript, gRPC, and TypeORM to add tenant, license, and device management functionality • Implemented restrictions for super admin roles to manage access to licensed services • Created and modified HPA policies and load tested Kubernetes clusters to report on performance for the microservices and document bugs and issues • Refactored event broker service and implemented a pub/sub mechanism with Redis to improve event versioning and WebSocket gateway performance

Node.js / Typescript / Docker / Kubernetes / TypeORM

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Data Acquisitions - Software Developer Intern

September 2019 - December 2019

• Developed a comparison report service in Java to highlight discrepancies and changes made upon data loading that improved the quality assurance for the database. • Migrated a legacy application from Struts to Spring and refactored backend services and controllers ensuring improved support and maintenance for future updates. • Designed solutions to resolve problems relating to validation, messaging, and authentication to improve code design and performance.

Java / Spring Framework / MySQL / JSP

Carleton Computer Science

Teaching Assistant

September 2020 - August 2021

• TA for fundamentals of web applications in fall 2020 and intro to systems engineering in winter 2021

Node.js / Javascript / Express / MongoDB / C


Have a question or want to work together?